Friday, January 23, 2015

What Would You Include In The Perfect Smartphone? [We Ask You]

It’s fair to say the smartphone has become an essential part of life for many people. They wouldn’t dare leave home without their iPhone, Android, Windows Phone or BlackBerry, and if they accidentally do leave it behind somewhere then their whole world quickly unravels. Hyperbole or not, people sure love their smartphone.
However, as much as anyone loves their smartphone, there will be aspects of their chosen device they wish were somehow different or better. There may never be such a thing as a perfect smartphone, but that won’t stop us trying to build one. At least on paper. Welcome to this week’s We Ask You all about your perfect smartphone.

Creating The Perfect Smartphone

We want to know, What Would You Include In The Perfect Smartphone?
This question was inspired by the unveiling of Project Ara, a modular smartphone in the works at Google. Having a modular smartphone opens up all kinds of possibilities, not least of which is the capacity for every individual user to build the smartphone of their dreams piece by piece.
So, you, individual smartphone user, what would be an essential part of your perfect mobile device?

We don’t want to offer too many suggestions here, because instead we want you to delve deep into your soul and retrieve your own personal wishlist of smartphone features and upgrades. Whether they’re based on technology already available or features that only exist in your head and the heads of other daydreaming geeks.
This is meant to be your perfect smartphone, after all. So think big. Anything goes, although if your ideas are too wacky we cannot guarantee they’ll make it into the final design. Not that we’re actually going to make this perfect smartphone, you understand, but we will be using the best suggestions proffered to detail a kind of Frankenstein’s monster of a smartphone.

Would your perfect smartphone feature screens front and rear? The ability to be crushed and spring back to its original shape? An everlasting battery? A built-in breathalyzer? A digital SLR camera with interchangeable lenses? Multiple operating systems? The sky is the limit, people, so aim high and help us out.

We Need You!

All comments will be read and most will receive a reply, before the responses are turned into a full article. Those readers providing the best comments will be thanked by name, receiving our extreme and everlasting gratitude for their efforts.

We Ask You is a column dedicated to crowdsourcing the wisdom of MakeUseOf readers. This column is nothing without you, as MakeUseOf is nothing without you.

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